Understanding the inner workings of JavaScript : From call stack to event loop
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When a JavaScript file is executed, the code is parsed line by line. Whenever a function call is encountered, an execution context is created, and the function call is pushed onto the call stack. This includes both built-in functions like console.log()
and user-defined functions.
There are two types of functions in JavaScript: Synchronous and Asynchronous. Synchronous functions are straightforward - they're pushed onto the call stack and removed as soon as their execution completes.
But JavaScript being single-threaded raises questions about how it handles asynchronous tasks like HTTP requests and timers that could potentially block code execution.
These asynchronous functions, encompassing timers, I/O operations, and promises, are managed by browser APIs, which are implemented in robust multi-threading languages like C++ or Rust.
When asynchronous functions finish execution, they place their callbacks in either a macrotask queue or a microtask queue.
The macrotask queue holds callbacks of low-priority event listeners like setTimeout
and setInterval
, while the microtask queue contains callbacks of high-priority event listeners like promises and mutation observers.
When the call stack is empty, the event loop kicks in. It empties the microtask queue first, followed by the macrotask queue. If more microtasks are added while it's being emptied, they're executed before the macrotask queue.
Remember, the call stack has its limits. It can handle a maximum of 16,000 frames, beyond which it throws a 'Maximum call stack size exceeded ' or 'too much recursion' error. So, be mindful of recursive or deeply nested function calls!
In conclusion, understanding how JavaScript manages its execution flow, from the call stack to the event loop, is crucial for writing efficient and responsive code. Keep exploring, and happy coding!